B-Eden High-gloss Enamel

B-Eden High-gloss Enamel

यो उच्च स्तरीय इनामेल हो । यो काठमा र फलाममा लगाउन सकिन्छ । यो उच्च नयिकक भएकाले गर्दा थोरै खपत र टिकाउ हुन्छ । यो सबै कलरमा उपलब्ध हुन्छ । यो बाहिर र भित्र दुबैतिर प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्छ ।

B-Eden High Gloss Enamel is oil based, washable high quality premium enamel offering a mirror-like high gloss finish. It will be tougher and more durable after it has been dried, therefore it is perfect for coating the surfaces that must endure high traffic, humidity, dirty hands, in addition to use on heavy duty industrial applications. It goes equally well if applied after using suitable Biraj Wood/ Metal primer on even a porous surface.

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